Make a skinvestment.

Great skin is like going to the gym. Results come from multiple visits.

Book multiple treatments in a single package and get up to $3750 in savings in Aurora, IL and Downtown Batavia, IL.

Tixel® Packages

Tixel™ by Sentient® is a non-laser skin resurfacing device for all skin types.

Every new guest begins with a 1:1 consultation. Your provider will customize a plan that's perfect for you.

Sculpt® Packages

Sentient® Sculpt™ is the latest in cellulite and body contouring technology.

Every new guest begins with a 1:1 consultation. Your provider will customize a plan that's perfect for you.

Microneedling Packages

Exceed™ by Candela® is the first FDA approved medical microneedling device.

Every new guest begins with a 1:1 consultation. Your provider will customize a plan that's perfect for you.

OxyGeneo™ Packages

OxyGeneo™ 3-in-1 facials exfoliates and enriches the skin.

Every new guest begins with a 1:1 consultation. Your provider will customize a plan that's perfect for you.

Microchanneling Packages

Micro-Tox Instant instantly lifts and firms up the skin while decreasing pore size.

Every new guest begins with a 1:1 consultation. Your provider will customize a plan that's perfect for you.

Face Treatment Packages

Chemical Peels help improve the skins appearance.

Every new guest begins with a 1:1 consultation. Your provider will customize a plan that's perfect for you.

Body Treatment Pacakges

Your goals are our goals.

Every new guest begins with a 1:1 consultation. Your provider will customize a plan that's perfect for you.

What are your concerns?

  • Cherry Financing in Aurora, IL and Downtown Batavia, IL

    Treat Now, Pay Later.

    Split your treatment plan into manageable payments!

    It takes 2 minutes to apply for up to $10,000 in financing.

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